Ulrich Wickert was born in the japanese capital Tokio on the second of December in 1942. During his childhood he had already lived in many different countries. When he was very young, he lived in Heidelberg in Germany. Later he moved to Paris and went to school there. As a 14 year old boy he already reported on the Eiffel Tower in the Rhein-Necker newspaper and so made his debut in the journalistic world at a very young age.
After his diploma from a German secondary school Ulrich Wickert studied political science and law in Bonn and went on a scholarship to the USA. He achieved his juristic state examination and after working as a writer for a radio station, he began with his work as editorial journalist for the political broadcast “Monitor” shown on the ARD. Ulrich Wicker worked as foreign correspondent for a TV station in Paris and then inWashington. In 1981 he began to manage the studios of the ARD in New York and later the studios in Paris, too.
On 1.July 1991 he took over the presentation of the “Tagesthemen” on the ARD, which brought him closer to the public. He became very popular and finished his work as a presenter at the 31. August 2006. But he is still present in television in his programme “Wickerts Bücher” which began in 2006. That Ulrich Wickert is such a popular presenter is shown in a survey from 2004. This displays that he is the fourth favorite presenter in German television. Ulrich Wickert has several times received awards for his work. Amongst others he won the “Goldene Kamera” in 1994 and was honoured by of the German-French journalistic prize. Outside of television the citizen of the world Ulrich Wickert is involved in several projects to help his fellow men.
He founded the organization “Bürger für Bürger” and is the patron of the charitable “Albertinen” foundation. He also advocates with great commitment the “Plan International”, an aid organization for children, where people can take the godparenthood for children of the Third World. Ulrich Wickert promotes the “Plan International” and appeals to everyone to help make the world a better place especially for the people from the poorest regions of the world.
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